How Transcendental Meditation Can Help You Discover Your True Self and Live a Blissful Life: The Science of Being and the Art of Living Explained
The Science Of Being And The Art Of Living Transcendental Meditationpdf
Do you want to experience more peace, joy, and creativity in your life? Do you want to tap into your full potential and discover your true nature? Do you want to learn a simple and effective technique that can transform your mind, body, and spirit? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in learning about transcendental meditation.
The Science Of Being And The Art Of Living Transcendental Meditationpdf
Transcendental meditation, or TM for short, is a form of meditation that was introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1950s. It is based on the ancient Vedic tradition of India, which is the source of yoga, Ayurveda, and other branches of knowledge. TM is not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle, but a simple and natural technique that anyone can learn and practice.
What is transcendental meditation?
Transcendental meditation is a technique that involves sitting comfortably with your eyes closed and repeating a mantra, which is a sound or word that has no meaning. The mantra helps you to settle your mind and transcend the surface level of thoughts and emotions. When you transcend, you experience a state of pure awareness, which is also called the source of thought or the field of pure consciousness. This is the most silent and peaceful level of your mind, where you are in tune with yourself and the universe.
What are the benefits of transcendental meditation?
Transcendental meditation has been scientifically proven to have many benefits for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Some of these benefits include:
Reducing stress and anxiety
Improving sleep quality and energy levels
Enhancing creativity and intelligence
Boosting immunity and health
Increasing happiness and self-esteem
Developing intuition and wisdom
Expanding awareness and consciousness
These benefits are not only experienced during meditation, but also throughout the day, as you enjoy more clarity, calmness, and harmony in your life.
How to practice transcendental meditation?
To practice transcendental meditation, you need to learn it from a certified TM teacher. The teacher will give you a personal mantra and instruct you on how to use it correctly. You will also receive guidance on how to establish a regular practice and integrate it into your daily routine. The TM course consists of four sessions of about an hour each, usually spread over four consecutive days. After completing the course, you will be able to meditate on your own for 20 minutes twice a day.
The Science Of Being
The science of being is the knowledge of who we are and what we are made of. It is the exploration of our innermost nature and its connection to the outer world. It is the understanding of the ultimate reality that underlies everything in existence.
The nature of consciousness
Consciousness is the essence of our being. It is the source of our thoughts, feelings, perceptions, memories, and actions. It is also the basis of all phenomena in nature. Everything that we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell is a manifestation of consciousness. Consciousness is not limited by time, space, or causation. It is eternal, infinite, and unbounded. It is the field of all possibilities and potentialities.
The unified field of natural law
The unified field of natural law is the most fundamental level of nature's functioning. It is the field of pure consciousness, where all the laws of nature are unified and expressed in their most abstract and powerful form. It is the field of pure intelligence, creativity, and order. It is the field that governs the evolution of the entire universe, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies.
The four states of consciousness
The four states of consciousness are the different modes of experiencing reality. They are:
Waking state: This is the state of normal waking activity, where we are aware of the outer world and our individuality.
Dreaming state: This is the state of sleep with dreams, where we are aware of the inner world and our imagination.
Deep sleep state: This is the state of sleep without dreams, where we are not aware of anything and experience a sense of rest and peace.
Transcendental state: This is the state of transcendental meditation, where we are aware of pure consciousness and experience a sense of bliss and unity.
The transcendental state is the most natural and profound state of consciousness. It is the state that reveals our true nature and connects us to the source of all life. It is the state that leads to higher states of consciousness, such as cosmic consciousness, god consciousness, and unity consciousness.
The Art Of Living
The art of living is the skill of applying the knowledge of being to our practical life. It is the way of living in harmony with ourselves, others, and nature. It is the way of fulfilling our desires and aspirations without creating problems or suffering. It is the way of enjoying life to the fullest and expressing our full potential.
The role of happiness in life
Happiness is the goal of life. It is also the means to achieve any other goal. Happiness is not something that depends on external factors, such as money, fame, or relationships. Happiness is something that comes from within, from our own consciousness. Happiness is our natural state of being, when we are free from stress, worry, and negativity. Happiness is also a quality that we can cultivate and share with others, by being kind, generous, and compassionate.
The principles of action and fulfillment
Action and fulfillment are two aspects of life that are interrelated and interdependent. Action is the expression of our energy and intelligence in the world. Fulfillment is the satisfaction and joy that we derive from our actions. The principles of action and fulfillment are:
Do less and accomplish more: This means to act from a state of restful awareness, where we are aligned with our true self and natural law. This way, we can achieve more with less effort and stress.
Enjoy every moment: This means to live in the present moment, where we can appreciate the beauty and richness of life. This way, we can avoid regretting the past or worrying about the future.
Follow your bliss: This means to follow your passion and intuition, which are indicators of your purpose and potential. This way, you can express your unique talents and gifts in the world.
The seven steps to enlightenment
Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of life. It is also the natural result of living according to the science of being and the art of living. Enlightenment is the state of full awakening to our true nature and potential. It is the state of complete freedom, happiness, and wisdom. The seven steps to enlightenment are:
Know thyself: This means to realize that you are not your body, mind, or ego, but pure consciousness.
Be thyself: This means to live according to your true nature, which is blissful, peaceful, and loving.
Express thyself: This means to manifest your full potential in every area of life, such as health, wealth, relationships, creativity, etc.
Expand thyself: This means to grow in awareness and consciousness by exploring different levels of reality, such as physical, subtle, causal, etc.
Transcend thyself: This means to go beyond all limitations and boundaries by experiencing your unity with everything in existence.
Serve thyself: This means to serve others as yourself by contributing to their well-being and happiness.
with the source of all life, which is pure consciousness.
Summary of the main points
In this article, we have learned about transcendental meditation, a simple and natural technique that can help us experience more peace, joy, and creativity in our life. We have also learned about the science of being and the art of living, two aspects of knowledge that can help us discover our true nature and potential. By practicing transcendental meditation and living according to the principles of action and fulfillment, we can achieve enlightenment, which is the ultimate goal and result of life.
Call to action and resources
If you are interested in learning more about transcendental meditation and how it can transform your life, you can visit the official website of the Transcendental Meditation program at There you can find more information about the benefits, research, and testimonials of TM. You can also locate a certified TM teacher near you and sign up for a free introductory session.
If you want to dive deeper into the science of being and the art of living, you can read the book by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with the same title. This book is a comprehensive and profound exposition of the ancient Vedic wisdom and its practical applications to modern life. You can also watch the videos of Maharishi's lectures on YouTube or listen to his podcasts on Spotify.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope you have enjoyed it and learned something valuable from it. I wish you all the best in your journey of self-discovery and self-realization.
What is the difference between transcendental meditation and other forms of meditation?
Transcendental meditation is different from other forms of meditation in several ways. First, TM is effortless and natural. It does not involve concentration, contemplation, or visualization. It does not require any specific posture, breathing, or mantra. It is simply a technique that allows the mind to settle down to its most silent and peaceful state. Second, TM is universal and suitable for everyone. It does not depend on any belief, faith, or background. It is compatible with any religion, culture, or lifestyle. It is adaptable to any age, gender, or personality. Third, TM is effective and scientific. It has been validated by hundreds of studies that show its positive effects on various aspects of health, happiness, and performance.
How long does it take to learn transcendental meditation?
It takes only four days to learn transcendental meditation. The TM course consists of four sessions of about an hour each, usually spread over four consecutive days. The first session is a personal instruction by a certified TM teacher who will give you a mantra and teach you how to use it correctly. The next three sessions are group meetings where you will learn more about the theory and practice of TM and have your questions answered. After completing the course, you will be able to meditate on your own for 20 minutes twice a day.
How much does it cost to learn transcendental meditation?
The cost of learning transcendental meditation varies depending on your location and income level. The average fee in the US is $960 for adults and $480 for students. However, there are scholarships and discounts available for those who need financial assistance. You can also pay in installments or use credit cards or PayPal. The fee covers the four-day course as well as lifetime follow-up support from your TM teacher.
What are some books or websites that I can read to learn more about transcendental meditation?
Some books that I recommend are:
The Science Of Being And The Art Of Living by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: This is the classic book that explains the philosophy and practice of TM in detail.
Strength In Stillness by Bob Roth: This is a modern and accessible book that introduces TM to a general audience and shares inspiring stories of people who have benefited from it.
Super Mind by Norman Rosenthal: This is a scientific and practical book that shows how TM can enhance your mental abilities and performance in every area of life.
Some websites that I recommend are: This is the official website of the Transcendental Meditation program, where you can find more information about TM and locate a TM teacher near you. This is the website of the David Lynch Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports the teaching of TM to at-risk populations, such as veterans, prisoners, students, and refugees. This is a website that provides news, articles, videos, and resources about TM and its impact on various fields of society and culture.
Can I practice transcendental meditation with other people?
Yes, you can practice transcendental meditation with other people. In fact, meditating in a group can enhance your experience and create a positive influence in the environment. You can join a group meditation at your local TM center or online. You can also invite your friends or family members to learn TM and meditate with them. You can also participate in special events or courses that offer advanced techniques or knowledge of TM.