I don’t know how many times I have repeated this mantra while looking deeply into my eyes in the mirror every night. Anchoring in the truth that it is safe for me to RELEASE and let go of any and everything that no longer serves my highest good.
I’ve started decluttering my closet, cleaning up my email list and deleting chats from old boyfriends. I’m ready for a fresh start.

Honestly, I’ve been humble for WAY TOO long and it’s time I flex.
I have been doing the internal DEEP HEALING work for the past 3 years and it’s time I shake things up. When I say deep inner healing, I’m talking journaling everyday, practicing yoga to create a sense of safety in my body and confronting my biggest adversaries. Being truthful for once in my life about the fact that my “fathers” absence has affected me in more ways than I had accepted. Admitted my fears of abandonment and rejection and how they have held me back from achieving the life I desired.
I STOPPED RUNNING FROM MY PAST and I’ll be honest it wasn’t easy to look at the ways others have hurt me and even the ways I have hurt myself. But I did it. And I’ve come so far.
I accepted the relationship or lack their of that I have with my father.
I quit my soul sucking job back in 2018.
I left my TOXIC AF relationship and attachment patterns behind.
I left my hometown NYC and moved to LA before confidently deciding to get rid of everything I own and travel the world.
I gained 20,000 followers on Tik Tok in under 8 months.
I’ve replaced my “stable 9-5” income by doing work that I absolutely love.
I have been living in Mexico since Halloween 2020. Enjoying the most delicious vegan foods, beautiful culture and hidden adventures. I’ve lived in Tulum, Merida, Zipolete and now Puerto Vallarta - each place I fall deeper in love with myself.
Now I’m ready to DREAM BIGGER. Seeing myself as a leader in my field as a healer. Anchoring in the TRUTH that NO ONE coaches the way that I do and my clients are lucky to have me.
I feel blessed to do this work and hold space for my clients as they accept and surrender to their fears and insecurities. Watching them bloom and step into Divine Femininity is like watching a caterpillar turn into a beautiful vibrant butterfly.
And as I move forward in this next chapter of my life - I’m ready to release the fear of being SEEN on a bigger scale. Honestly, I welcome it. My gifts are meant to help heal the collective and I’m READY. I’m ready to be interviewed on podcasts, youtube channels and tv shows. I am ready for the world to know my name.
So I’ve decided to raise my prices and make room for new opportunities. I’ll be launching my new program PLEASURE ACTIVATOR in the upcoming weeks. I release the fears that people won't be able to afford my new rates. Stepping into the identity that I am calling in soulmate clients who will pay for my services.